Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Pay Day for Tori

I know you know that I am proud of my kids. We have great kids (even if I am biased). The last weekend in June while Rod and I were gone camping Tori went to a church to say her monologue. They asked her to do it for all 3 services and paid her $50!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tina's egg Business

This week has been hard on the egg business.... First on one of the hot days - Tina had went down to show the baby chicks to her great grandparents. They were all fine and moving around and fluffy. 2 hours later she went back to feed and water them for the evening and 1/2 were dead. We think that they got overheated from the excitement of when she was showing them to Mrs. Maynard. They were NOT in the sun at all any that day but it was a very hot and humid day. Tina was extremely upset.... Now fast foward about 4 days and Tina is out of town in FL. We are taking care of the baby chicks (they have a new coop and I have order replacement babies for her). Tori and I were going out to check on one of the adult hens that I thought seemed to be under the weather. She has been just laying in the coop for a couple of days. I had made her get out of it on Sunday but she was right back. Now I know why. She has been guarding the egss. When we went over there, she was out and about so I told Tori - see must be ok, let's go ahead and get the eggs.... Look at what we found (not one egg was left)

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th July Party

Party - We had a group of friends come over for the 4th of July. We wanted to celebrate with all the people that helped us in this building process. We have 4 wheelers, mini bikes, horse shoes, fireworks, and most important - good times with friends and family.

The attendees were:
My family - Rod, Tori, Tina, and I; Mom and Dad; Mike and Christy; Rick and Christy; Joy and Chris; Shelli, Zac, and Hayley; Darrin and Heather; Bobbie, Scott, Wyatt, Seth, Brittany, Andrew; Ken and April; Kevin; Charles, Austin, Brooke, and two friends.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Horse Camp

This week Tori held a horse camp for the first time. Her camper was Sarah who is 5 years old and goes to her church. Each day Tori had it planned out that they went down to feed the horses, came back up while the horses ate and did a craft, went back down and walked the horses up and then Sarah would ride. A couple of days she rode bareback and some with the saddle. After they rode, they ate their lunch (sometimes it was a picnic in the woods) and then sweat scraped the horses. This was Sarah's favorite part - getting the horse (and herself) wet! On Thursday Nicole, Tori's normal babysitting job, was here and they used both horses. Sarah rode Tina's horse Willow and Nicole was on Kaylee. I think they all had a lot of fun. I also had them shirts made that say TnT Acres on them!

Rec Room Tile

We originally wanted to stain the concrete in the rec room. Once we got the room cleaned up from construction debris it was obvious that the floor in that room needed attention. We had our contractor come back out and "patch" the low spot. You could clearly see that the slab was not level. When I put a 4' level on the floor it was unlevel by 1 3/4". So they came out and put a leveling compound on the floor. This meant that we could no longer stain the concrete and had to decide on another flooring. We ended up going with tile. The installer said the floor was still very unlevel and he did the best he could to use thinset to level it out. In the end I can still see some of the highs and lows, but I am happy with the finished product. It is after all just a Rec Room....