Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tina's Bed

There are things everyone knows who has more than 1 kid. First - is they are certainly going to be night and day different (check ours are). Second - the younger is going to wish she was the oldest (double check on this one). Third - The younger is going to imitate and want what the oldest has (triple check!). So Tori's bed was not even complete before Tina wanted a hanging bed as well. Who could blame her? Tori bed IS really cool.

Rod's list of things to do is still long. Tina's bed has finally been crossed off the list! Tina nudged him in the process by drawing a diagram of exactly what they were to do. She took the tape measure and had it drawn out to all the diminsions that she wanted.

They started by adding the support structure and attaching it to the rafters. On that night, Tina was the "helper". Funny thing is on Saturday when they were building the base, the roles got reversed. It was comical to hear Tina say "Dad can you get me some more screws" as she had control of the power tools :-). After the supports and hooks were added, the base support was built and painted. Then we added the ropes. The finished product looks great and Tina said "I bet there are a lot of kids who would just love my room". I agree with her, but I would add that I bet there are a lot of kids in the world who would love to have a Dad like hers that will not only build something like this for her but include her in the process to teach her. What a great Valentine's Day present it was!

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