Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pig Sitting

Tori has a friend who went out of town for the Thanksgiving holiday.  She needed a sitter for their two birds and baby pot-bellied pig.  Chessly, the 6 week old pig, has been here since yesterday.  She squeal's every time she is picked up.  About 15 minutes ago, I heard someone pick her up.  After I got finished with what I was doing, I walked into the living room and asked who was hogging the pig.  Tina pointed to my bedroom door that was shut... Here is what I found - Rod on the bed with the pig wrapped up in his shirt and they were watching TV together.  (I don't think Rod liked that I took their picture)

Hot Cakes

The wood burning stove has only been installed for 4 weeks now.  All Tina has wanted to do was cook pancakes on it like Eva Gabor did on the television show Green Acres.  There have been several times over the last couple of weeks that we have had the stove running, but it has not been when there was enough time to cook.  This weekend we finally decided that she could cook breakfast.  It was the four of us, her friend Hailey, my Mom and Dad, and Rod's Mom.  Everyone showed up in their PJ's.  We sat downstairs and had Green Acres running on the projector.

It really wasn't hot enough to have the stove running, so we had it running and the windows open!  In the end, it took a long time for them to cook, but they tasted real good.