Saturday, January 14, 2012

Big 40 for Brandy

Lordy, Lordy, I have turned 40.  I know a girl is not supposed to tell her age, but I figured most everyone already knows so it doesn't matter now.

A birthday is just one more day, but there is just something a little different when that new number is equally divisible by 10.  It is a new start of more than just a new year, but a new decade.  Waking up on the morning of my 40th birthday, I lay in bed with Rod and we talked for a few minutes about how fortunate we are.  I am starting off this decade with an wonderful husband who I love and who loves me.  A 17 year old who is one of the most compassionate and caring individuals of anyone that I know.  A 12 year old that is turning into such an amazing young lady.  I am very proud of them both.  Next we live in an great home that I love.  Both Rod and I have great jobs that affords us to not have financial problems.  And I personally enjoy all the animals that share out home with us.

Enough of the sappy stuff here is what the rest of the day  held.  Rod had told me that we were having family over, eating pizza, and then going to a movie.  So most of the morning/early afternoon was spent at the house and then out with Tori.  Tori and I ran several errands (Sweet n Sassy to get something Tori needed, JoAnn's to get something else Tori needed, Scultz Monument company to let my friend Pam get a Bear "fix", Which Wich to eat lunch with Tori and Bear, and PetSmart to show Bear off a little).  After all that running around it was almost time for my family to get here for the pizza.

Tori spent the time waiting on them to complete my birthday cake that she made.  It was a homemade cake with homemade butter cream frosting.  Then she took about 15 - 20 pictures and had them printed on edible sugar paper.  She cut them out and put them on the cake. 

At about 6:00 my family started showing up and then I was surprised to see my friend Pam and her husband, next came Denise, then Joy... Obviously the "movie" was just a way to throw me off and Rod had planned a surprise birthday party!

My family, his family, old friends, and new friends all showed up.  The night was great and we had a good time.  Mom and Christy made me a DVD of pictures of my life.  It was touching and funny and I loved it.  We ate lots of food, had great conversation, and many, many laughs.  Thanks to all my family and friends for helping me to welcome this new decade!

Here are a few pics from the evening:

My favorite pizza - thin crust with green olive.

Lighting 40 candles takes several people
Blowing out 40 candles takes a lot of breath!

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