Sunday, February 23, 2014

More Fence Building

Making decisions when you don't have all the variables is never a good idea.  Last week Rod asked me if we wanted to do the privacy fence portion of the fence all the way to the corner or just to the edge of where the tree line is.  We walked around and I thought about it and thought it would look a lot nicer to go all the way to the corner.  That was an additional 40 feet or so.  Today Rod is almost to the corner (only 1 more section to go) and he tells me that he priced the boards and it is going to be a little more than $7 a foot.... just for the west side of the fence that is 100 feet long (this doesn't count about 80 feet of fence that will be privacy on the east side).... I'm thinking now if we had only done privacy fence to where the tree line is, I could have gotten used to the look.  So now my fence that I hoped originally was only going to cost about $1,500 is going to go a good bit over budget.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Busy Weekend

Did you have a busy weekend?  I don't know anyone that works as hard as Rod... He has had at least three weeks in a row at work that have been 50+ hour weeks.  So now I just want to tell you about the work at the house this weekend...

I had almost finished this post -starting with Friday night.  Then I recalled Friday morning was eventful and I had to come back to the top and add this paragraph.  About 5:30 AM Friday morning, Rod is up (after working hours on Thursday night and another hour or so during the middle of the night).  We are listening to the news and they say it is going to rain.  He didn't realize it was supposed to rain and had unloaded 8 bags of 80lb concrete in the yard where he was going to use it this weekend.  So he had to throw on old clothes and head out to move all that concrete.  Then there were problems at work and he had to call the person he car pools with to tell him he would be late and was sitting back at his laptop again.

Rod had to work late on Friday night.  Tina and I were home waiting on him for our fondue feast (see post below).  After that he was back sitting at his laptop working again.

Saturday morning he was a plumber (at a strangers house).  We have bought a claw foot tub for my bathroom.  Part of the deal was he had to uninstall it and put cutoff valves in so that they could still have water after he removed the tub.  What he thought was going to be an easy job just never is... The pipes that he spotted when we first went to see the tub were easy to get to.  But they ended up not being the correct pipes and when we got back there on Saturday it was not going to be fun.  He had to crawl through a hole that was about 12 X 12 and to turn on his back he had to get up into a rafter area to give him space to flip from his stomach to his back! 

This was on his way out.. can you see his boots?

Very glad to be out from under there!
Of course next was loading into the car that included help from Matt and the home owner.

We get home, get the tub into the house and it is now about 1:00 pm. Is he done for the weekend?  No Way, he isn't even done for the day.

Next Rod, Matt, and Tina start on the fence I want built outside in the back yard.  This was another 4 hours of building the supports that will be the privacy fence section.

Was he done for the weekend or day?  Nope, not yet.  After dark, he does sit with us to eat (fondue again because it was so yummy and Tori and Matt were her this time!)  Then it is a little more work for him.  The kids went to spend the night with Mom and Dad.  Rod finally around 8:30 or so came and sat down with me to watch a little TV.

Sunday morning - back to being a computer nerd around 7:00... working, calling IBM for a support ticket, etc.  While waiting on a call back from IBM, he decide he hasn't had enough time being a plumber and started on the girl's bathroom.  When the house was built there was one 12" copper pipe in their plumbing.  With the sulfur water it has turned some parts of their tub black.  He cut out the copper pipe and installed the new plumbing.

Still waiting on IBM, and not able to sit still.... he built 3 more supports for the fence, blew off all the decks, and a few minutes ago when I went looking for him to get his phone... he was cleaning out the shed.

I now hope he is done for the day..... but since IBM still hasn't call back, I am afraid his night will end like it started... being a computer nerd.

I think I have many, many posts that demonstrates how hard he works.. just add this one to the list.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentines Day

We knew that Tori would be doing something with Matt for Valentine's Day, so we decided that we were going to go out to dinner with Tina.  When we asked her were she wanted to go, she said the Melting Pot.  I think I failed to mention this was THIS MORNING.  Obviously, there was no way were were getting into the Melting Pot on Valentine's Day without reservations.  So we decided we would do fondue on our own.

I went to the store and bought some fillet mignon, chicken, pork, fresh strawberries, fresh pineapple, pound cake, some veggies, cheese, and beef broth.  After work Tina and I chopped and diced for about 2 hours.  Then Tina cleaned the dining room, set the table, and we were ready.

Of course ... then Rod had to work late.  So we were waiting, and waiting. 
Here was the table Tina sat while waiting - we had plenty of time to wash the china and crystal
After Rod got home we were ready.

Our first course was a cheddar beer cheese with bread, chips, and brocolli.  I mixed about 12 ounces of cheddar cheese (white cheddar, sharp cheddar, and medium cheddar), 2 - 3 ounces of swiss with 1/2 a can of beer, and a little bit of garlic. 

After the cheese was the main course with fillet mignon, pork, chicken, potatoes, and red pepper.  We made the broth with 4 cups of beef stock, 3 cloves of garlic sauteed, 1/2 cup red wine, and some herb seasoning.  It was every bit as good as the melting pots!

And last but certainly not least... came the chocolate.  We did a simple 1/2 milk, 1/2 dark chocolate with the strawberries, pineapple, and pound cake

Since I went and spent $60 on the electric fondue pot for the meat course, and all the food that I bought... it might have saved us a few dollars than going to the Melting Pot.. but it was just as good, we are just as full, we didn't have to go out in the rain, and best yet... it was great company in the comfort of our own home.

A perfect Valentine's Day