Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Freezing Rain, Sleet, and then some Snow

The weatherman was calling for 4" - 7" of snow... of course they were wrong.  After freezing rain, a bunch of sleet, and then a little snow we were set!  The kids have no hope of going to school any day this week and the driveway is perfect for sledding!

The designated 4 wheel driver - Christina




Standing on the pond

Rod and I walking on the pond

our neighbors dog, Osce, getting a stick for Bear

The view walking back up to the house
Here are a few links to the sledding videos... not sure why some of them are blurry.. guess that would be the photographers fault.....

Tina sledding down with Bear hot on her heals!

 Tori and Hope.  Notice that as soon as Rod says "don't forget to wreck"... the wreck happens immediately!

Rod and Tori coming down from the road side of the driveway and making the turn toward the barn.

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