Saturday, June 4, 2011

Culvert Part 7

Well it has been a while since I have posted an update on the culvert. I even had to go back and look to see what # post I was on.

On Wednesday, Rod and I had a funeral to go to. Since the visitation was earlier in the day, we both took the day off from work. Rod set it up with Mark to work on the driveway in the afternoon. To prepare, he had to divert all the water. He rigged the water so that it would come through the culvert and through another pipe that he had attached with ratchet straps.

When Mark got here, he sat in his excavator and put the bucket on the hill, Then Rod used his backhoe to bring down the rip wrap and started dumping it over the side (yes.. we had to buy MORE - another $500 worth). Then Mark took his bucket and pressed it into the hillside. In the background of this picture you can see where Mark loaded the old culvert onto the trailer for Rod to haul away.

After they got all the rock in place we called Metro Ready Mix to bring us 6 cubic yards of concrete. Mark took his bucket and they loaded the concrete in the bucket and then he drizzled it over the rocks. This was to create a barrier so that the water does not run under the rocks and wash out the dirt underneath. Rod had to get up there and move his "temporary" flume zoom around so that they could get concrete under it well. This should prevent the dam from eroding away. It is not the pretty rock waterfall that I would like, but it needs to be functional rather than pretty.

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