Monday, December 28, 2009

Day 13 - "pour" day - 1st floor

It truly is amazing. Today is the 13th day since they started construction. Within the 13 days we have had 2 weekends and a holiday so that is actually 5 1/2 days out of the 13 where no work was done.

Our foreman over the exterior, Jeff, is out of town until after the first of the new year. He said that Tim, the general contractor, would be out on Monday to pour the concrete. He really didn't know if Tim would be able to do it or if they wouldn't do any work until next week. So we were really excited to hear the guys out here working at about 6:30 this morning.

Tori called at about 1:00 p.m. to tell me the concrete pumper truck was here. Tim had come over to talk to her and told her there would be 4 concrete trucks coming today and it would take them until about 4:00 to complete it. When I got home from work they were just finishing up. They used the huge arm of the pumper truck and literally "filled up" the walls.

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