Thursday, December 10, 2009

Joy, the pig, and the pain

Wow what a roller coaster 2 days can be....

First the Joy. I got home from work on Tuesday to see that the ICF blocks had been delivered!! Oh we can so feel like they will start soon. The bank has been out to take the pictures for the appraisal and we are close to closing on our loan.

Then Wednesday comes and I hear the dogs barking. This is not the bark of someone on the land, this is the bark that they are tattling on one of the other animals. So I look out the window to see Dolly tearing the plastic up that is holding the ICF blocks together. The wind had knocked over one of the bundles and she was taking the plastic back to her bed for extra bedding because of the cold. She had pulled several of the blocks across the yard. I had a fit! When I went looking, I noticed she had taken a bite out of a couple of them. So I thought what else.....

Now the PAIN - The wind had been blowing extremely hard today. The tarp that is on my and Rod's camper had been blown off as well as some of the Christmas decorations. Rod was on the ladder trying to secure the tarp back down. What goes up must also come back down.... Unfortunately this time, the trip down was not like expected. The ladder came out from under him and broke his fall. In the process there are 3 broke ribs. He is in a lot of pain but will recover. We are lucky it was not worse.

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