Sunday, January 31, 2010

99 Days

Today is our 99th day in the campers. This weekend has been fun filled. After the snow on Friday and Saturday, the weekend has been full of playing in the snow. On Saturday morning Rod, Tori, Tina and our friend Zac all headed on horseback to the store. They walked through the pasture behind our house (not our property), through the church parking lot, through front yards and finally got to the store. I am estimating it took them about 45 minutes to get there. Tori rode her horse Kaylee and Tina rode hers Willow. Rod and Zac walked. When they were in the store the kids told Rod it was his best idea ever...

The trip back was not so good. Not sure why Kaylee got spooked, but she took off running and Tori bailed. Luckily Tori was not hurt too bad mostly only sore. Zac had to take off running to catch the horses and then they all just walked them back to the property. Also on Saturday was LOTS of snow sledding. On Sunday it started out with sledding. My brother, sister-in-law, and nephew came over to sled. Everyone had so much fun. The snow was packed down good and it was slick. It was perfect conditions for the sled.

Mid day, Zac decided to head home (he had been here since Friday) and Rod had to use the Suburban to pull him up the driveway to the road.

Tina and Rod rode the horses down the trail some to make sure they didn't act up again today. Tina said they had halo's over their heads today.

Sunday night Tori and Rod had the idea to go sledding at night. He took the Toyota 1/2 way down the driveway and used the headlights for their lighting. Since the temp had dropped, it was even faster now. Lots of fun until Tina wrecked. She is not hurt too bad, but does have a cut under her eye. All in all, no one was hurt too bad and there was a lot of rough playing this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. This grand mother would like to see either the Dad or Zac standing near the pond....what 'cha think?
