Sunday, June 13, 2010

Bull Riding

Tori went on Saturday night to help at the Cheatham County Flood Benefit at Owen Farm. She had a good time riding the mechanical bull. Russell is a guy from her 4H honor club that was running the bull riding machine. Tori was riding on full buck and according to Russell she was the best one that rode that night. I guess all the horseback riding had her prepared to hang on with her legs. She did have a couple of bruises the morning and she skinned her knuckle.

She also had to work the inflatables with 4 boys from juvenile detention. She said they were shocked when she told them they could not cuss around her. They were amazed that "you don't EVER cuss?" To which she replied "NO". Then to add to their frustrations.. she also would not let them smoke and made them put their cigarettes out. I'm sure their community service would have been more fun if they didn't have someone just as strict as their jail warden to work with :-) Tori is such a good teenager!

1 comment:

  1. I am sure everyone wishes they had a Tori or Tina for a daughter. they are the BEST
