Sunday, September 19, 2010


Why does everyone dread Mondays? Well here is what happened on my Monday last week and this might be the answer to that question...

The day started when we were down at the horse barn at 6:45 a.m. feeding them and one of the horses caught her foot in the fence. So here I am in my work clothes trying to get her foot out of the fence. Next I had a really bad day at work to the point of having to keep myself from getting emotionally upset (I HATE when I get so mad that I get teary eyed!!!). Next I leave work to pick the kids up from school and there is horrible traffic because of them paving the highway. Because I was late, Tori called and asked if she could go to Sonic with someone, but it took them longer than it took me to get there so I had trouble finding her and of course she didn't have her cell phone. Day is not over yet..... Then we get home and Tina is feeding the animals and all of the sudden I hear crying. I go outside to see Tina carrying our rooster, Mixie, and she is screaming that he is dying. The dogs had cornored him and drug him off into the woods and Tina went after them and got him out of their mouth. At this point I am hitting the dogs to keep them from continuing to try to get him. All of this drama now had me late to pick Tori up from basketball practice and I didn't even realize it until she called and said "where are you?". I had to finish tending to the rooster by putting him up where he could try to live and the dogs would not get him. Now at this point I am dripping sweat from chasing dogs and tying them up. Lastly I had to go to the school for book fair!

So now I know why I was glad Monday was over.....

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