Sunday, November 25, 2012

Pig Heater

Last night it was COLD outside.  When we get in the mid 20's I really start worrying about the animals.  The goats were all in their fence and huddled together in their house, the horses are fine at this temp, the chickens are all together in the coop and were fine, and the outside dogs were in the garage.  This only leaves the pigs.  The pigs don't like the cold.  A few months ago they moved in under the front porch.

This morning I got up early and was worrying about the pigs.  Our dryer vent is located under the porch where they have made their bed.  So when I woke up this morning I went into the laundry room and turned on the dryer to get them some heat.  When Rod woke up, he asked me "what is that noise"... the dryer sounds funny when it is running empty... my response "the pig heater".

Molly and Dolly all snug and warm under the porch

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