Monday, April 28, 2014

Chicken Whisperer

We had some decent storms overnight with more predicted later this afternoon.  So this morning I went to check on the baby chicks.  These chickens were born on March 10th and were moved out from under the heat light and put in a blocked off section of the coop about two weeks ago.  They had a round plastic tub turned on its side as their shelter.  So I get over there and they are all wet and huddled together in the plastic tub.  Looking into the tub, I noticed that there were two that had been trampled.  I get all the ones out and the two that are there I leave on the floor of the coop for a few minutes while I go look for a larger container to put in there.  I want a larger one so that hopefully this won't happen again this afternoon when more storms come.

After setting up the larger container, I get the two chickens out and they are mostly dead.  They had very shallow breathing, they were mostly flat (picture pancake here), caked in chicken poop, their wings, legs, and neck in odd positions and the worst - their eyes were already glassed over.  One of them even had another chicken standing on his head!  But since they were still breathing I couldn't just leave them out there.  I got another bucket and brought them in the house with a heat lamp.  I told my co-workers that they probably had a 5% chance of survival if I was going to place a bet.  An hour later I took a work break and went to check on them.  They were still alive but had not moved.  Another hour later.... not much improvement, but they did open one eye each and look at me.  Two hours later... They were sitting up!  Now about 5 hours since I brought them in the house, I went down there and they were eating some food.  I think their chances now are closer to 80%....

I didn't take a picture at their worst... because honestly, I thought their chances were just so slim!  But here they are now.

1 comment:

  1. That's so sweet...especially sine NEVER would one of your chickens be found on the dinner table. You're a good Momma..even to the chickens. :--)
