Friday, June 20, 2014


Tomorrow we are going to have to say goodbye to a four legged family member.  It is finally time to do the humane thing and let Molly go.  I have known this day was coming for a while now, but I still sit here crying thinking about it.  She has so much personality and we have so many fond memories of her.  (and a few not so fond).

Molly came into our life as a very young 13 pound piglet.  I came home from a work trip and Rod and the girls had went to Kentucky to get her!  It was 100%  surprise to me!!! I had NO clue that I was coming home to a new pet pig.  Little did I know that she would grow the most attached to me.

She was potty trained very quickly!  Easier than any dog I have ever housebroke.  She lived in the house for a little over the first year of her life until she just got too big.  She has done everything from car rides, eating at Fido's, gone fishing with us, and many more things.   She went through a stage where she was aggressive and My Mom... wasn't her best fan in those days because she chose her to chase the most.  After getting Dolly, that all went away.

Another funny story - one day we couldn't find her.  We looked and looked and looked!  Then I walked into my bedroom and who was on my bed and under all the covers?  It was MOLLY.  She had jumped on the bed and snuggled in and all that was visible was about an inch of her nose!

Once when she had been too aggressive, we took her to a farm and gave her to them... I spent a couple of months worrying about her. You should have seen the look on the farmers face when we pulled in with her blankie and toys.  After a few months, we went back to a Halloween festival that they had and she recognized me.  I told the farmer, Mr. Owen, that I wanted her back.  So we loaded her back in the car and brought her back home!  What was I thinking that I could let her live there with his other pot bellied pigs?

After buying the land and moving to our new "mini farm", we got her a friend in Dolly.  Once shortly after we moved over to the new land, we were going on a long weekend trip to Gatlinburg.  We had Zac house sitting.  (ok this was when we lived in the campers, so he was technically camper sitting).  The morning we were to leave, she had some type of cyst rupture (at the time we didn't know what had happened).  It was a Sunday and a holiday weekend.  I could not find a single vet that was open to do farm calls to come look at her. So we were stuck not knowing what to do.  We couldn't get her to come out of her house and she was pitiful.  I thought she was dying and I was sitting in her house (Rod had to take the top off so I could climb in), crying over a pig,  and hand feeding her Chicken Noodle Soup.  Holding the bowl up to her because she couldn't stand up.  We left for our trip, but not until after I showed Zac how to hold the bowl for her.  The plan was that if she made it past the holiday that I would try to get a vet out.  She had chased Zac during her aggressive years and he wasn't real keen on doing the feeding!  But a couple of days later she had bounced back!

Over the last year she has gotten worse with arthritis and probably something like Crones Disease.  She passes a lot of blood and is pain.  We have been giving her daily pain medicine as well as an arthritis medicine.  I knew this day would come... but it is still hard.

Here is the link for the youtube video of her playing her keyboard

And her giving a piggy back ride to the barbie

Some of the more memorable pictures of Molly:  I narrowed it down to just 8 pics
Tina and Molly napping in my bed

The father's day present for Rod that hangs in my house right now!  The photographer had a "pet" special.  He was surprised when we showed up with a Pet Pig!

Rolling up the carpet to get under it.

Always rolling up in blankets

she was worried during the swine flu outbreak!

Rod giving her a spa treatment.

Loved getting in the pool on a hot day

Bath time!
Notice the blue nose?  This is what happens when you leave markers on the floor when you have a pig!!! 

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