Friday, December 30, 2016

Jackson Hole - Day 5

Today was a much needed rest day!  Most of us got to sleep late - I am the exception that can't sleep.   I got up a little before 6 and sat in the hotel lobby reading my book and talking to people until everyone else got up between 8:30 and 9:00.  The outside temperature was -2 at 9:30.  Since it was so cold, we went ahead and just stayed in the room for a little bit.  Around lunch we went back to our favorite lunch place - The Liberty Burger.  This little place is great!  This is the 3rd time Peter and Tina have eaten there and the 2nd for Rod and I.

Next was lots of walking around town shopping.  We went in many shops that have really unique items with high price tags... we are leaving all of those things behind for any of you reading this with more disposable income than us :)  Tina and Peter have been wanting to go ice skating and today was the day for that.  The town square has a ice rink that has been being worked on and built while we have been here.  It is a small rink, but still plenty of room to slide along the wall.

After skating and shopping we headed back to chill, swim, and rest.  Dinner was at The Gun Barrel. This has been the best meal of the night.  Rod and Peter decided to order the venison bratwurst for an appetizer.  Then for dinner Rod got the elk chops and Peter got the mixed game grill.  The plan was for them to both share the elk chops, elk steak medallions, buffalo prime rib, and buffalo ribs.  Lets just say by the time that they shared.. neither touched much of their sides!  Both left with a full belly.  Tina and I stuck with beef!  Although Tina was adventurous and tried the elk and buffalo.

After waiting for the bus, we finally got back to the hotel around 9:45. Our hotel has warm cookies every night at 8:00 pm.  Tina and Peter have gone down every night to get them... well since we were going to be gone the man at the front desk saved us 7 cookies!  Made Tina's night to not miss the warm, gooey, chocolate chip cookies!  He even walked off before he gave her the cookies to get a cold glass of milk from her from the kitchen that was already closed :)

Okay, as I am sitting her typing this post... and I just heard "That is the boyfriend tax".... and that came from Peter when he told Tina that he drank some of her milk!

Now it is morning... I have decided that I hate my new ipad.  I am having picture problems and when I have moved the pictures from Tina's phone, Peter's phone, and the camera - I now have duplicate filenames.  I guess it is just the learning curve of me having an apple product.... but boy the frustration!  Anyways, here are the pictures I wanted to share last night.

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