Saturday, December 23, 2023

House Plans - Northern Lights 4

Soil Analysis Complete

Survey Complete

Now thinking about the house we are going to build.  We have been very happy with our decision to build a passive solar and ICF (Insulated Concrete Forms) house.  So we decided to turn to to try to find our next home.  We know we want it to be 1 level, smaller than our current home, passive solar, north facing, lots of porch space, 3 bedrooms and a space for my office.  

Since making a firm decision on ICF, we reached out to a builder who needs a copy of our plans to give us an estimate on doing the foundation and outside walls.  He has said he thought he could get us on the schedule for May/June.

After looking through many plans and buying the study plans for 2 different houses, we decided on one called Northern Lights 4 (  So today we bought the CAD plans ($1,920).  

We have changes we plan to make.  We are going to take out the door in bedroom 3 that goes to the great room.  The other change is the dining room.  I don't think it will be used and I think the kitchen is too small.  Because of the vaulted ceiling, I am having to think outside the box here.  I'm going to do away with the panty closet in the kitchen, move the refrigerator, and make that a doorway into the dining room.  I'm going to build a wall down the middle of the dining room.  The left 1/2 will be approximately 8 X 11 and will be a butler pantry or scullery.  I will move the refrigerator into that room.  The right 1/2 of that room will be my office which will have the entry from the hallway.  I have a few other small changes that I haven't really finalized yet.

I will now be spending hours of time reading over these plans and trying to visualize every corner and understanding the changes that I will want to make.  But it is one more decision down.

Someone needs to check my sanity.  I really can't believe we are doing this again

It is interesting to see the pictures they have on their website for our current house :) .  I sure miss some of the dogs in those pictures..


 After getting the soil analysis scheduled, I went to meet with the surveyor.  Once again, the fact that the lady we are buying the land from had connections made a difference.  All the surveyors are backed up for months.  We needed someone that was willing to wait until we had the soil analysis done to start, but be willing to complete it within a few weeks.  We didn't want to incur any cost associated to a survey until we knew it would perc for 3 houses.  This is a tall ask and we recognized that.  This land was surveyed a few years ago as part of a 144 acre tract of land.  Obviously we are only buying around 1/3 of it, but some of the boundaries are still the same.  

Rod and I had a meeting at their office and outlined what I wanted.  I had a copy of the survey from a few years ago.  Took out my handy dandy rule, dusted off my math skills, and started calculating where we could put property lines to accommodate Tori and Matt getting 5 acres, Mom and Dad getting 5 acres, and Rod and I having the remainder.  We took that in and explained about the 3 building spots how we envisioned it all laid out, and the fact they shouldn't start work until they heard back from us.  Our tentative closing date was set for 12/15 and they were willing to work with that date.

Here is what I took into them with my calculations in pencil.

So on 12/5 I messaged them with the go-ahead.  Perc test was done, the soil scientist was going to call them with the details, let the survey begin.  We were very anxious to actually see the boundaries.  Rod and I had taken my rough estimates and placed some "rough" flags to help give everyone some idea of where they could try to put their house, but we had no idea how accurate I was in trying to lay it all out.

The surveyor's office sent me a tentative drawing and asked me to approve before they went out to put the flag and created the full legal descriptions.  

All looked good and we gave the go-ahead.  So while we were out of town I got the call that they had completed placing the flags and I could come by their office the following Monday and pay my $5000 bill.  Rod and I decided to go by there on Monday so that we could walk the perimeter.  Then we rushed by their office before closing to pick up the drawings.  Once at home we were shocked to see how the land was divided up.  He had made it so that most of soil area # 1 was on Tori and Matt's property and all of soil area #2 was on Mom and Dad's property... leaving Rod and I without any perc location!  Additionally this increased Mom and Dad's land by almost an acre.  This would mean we would have to pay for another soil analysis!   I was so very frustrated.

So Monday night was text messages with my realtor, the land owner, Tori and Mom and Dad.  I just couldn't believe that they went out there and put the flags after deviating from both my initial drawing and their draft drawing without EVER CALLING ME... 

Tuesday morning I was on the phone with the soil scientist who assured me that the soil analysis would accommodate 3 houses.  Next a call to the surveyor.  The surveyor did not want to change the lines.  He was trying to insist that I have the soil scientist come back and look for a 3rd spot (at a cost of $1,600).  He argued with me that he "didn't know until that morning that I wanted 3 houses on this land".  I had to let him know that the lack of communication in his own office was not my fault.  I had a 45 minute appointment with his staff laying out exactly what we were trying to do with sectioning this land.   I knew that if we had to look for another soil analysis spot, Rod and I would have to build on the other side of the creek that would cost a lot of money in a bridge for the driveway.  

After about 20 minutes arguing on the phone, he agreed to move the lines between Tori and Matt and Mom and Dad to split soil area # 1 between them and put soil area # 2 inside Tract 3.

I don't know if they have went back and marked the new corners or not.  They said they would, but at least we now have 3 tracts that all will be able to get a building permit.  One more step closer to closing.  Fortunately we had already decided to move the tentative closing date to after the New Year.  The current owner asked if we would be ok with that so it would hit her 2024 taxes and we agreed.  Nothing was going to happen between mid December to mid January anyways.

So the PSA for young people looking for a career - Just like soil scientist, there is a need for more surveyors.  If you have a strong aptitude for Math and enjoy being outside... this could be the job for you.  Again the fees are not cheap.

PSA # 2 - If anyone decides to become a surveyor as a career - if you are making changes from what the customer expected, call them before you waste your time going and driving stakes in the ground.

Hurdle # 2 is clear! 

Friday, December 22, 2023

Soil Analysis

Our contract was contingent on what I called a perc test.  I have now been educated that they call this a soil analysis now... who knew?  The soil scientist companies are normally booked for 4-6 weeks out.  I didn't have this much time. I needed to get the perc tests completed so that I could order the survey.  Both of these are costs that we would have to pay prior to closing and if we ended up not closing for any reason we would be out this money.  Fortunately, the lady we are purchasing the land from had a little pull with a company and the soil analysis test was scheduled for the week of Thanksgiving.

The week before they were to come out, we all went over and marked where we hoped to build houses.  This would help the soil consultant to try to get a location that made sense for each of our spots.  

Adam Brown Soil Consulting quoted me $1,000 per soil analysis.  Since we want to have the ability to put 3 houses on the land, that mean 3 soil analysis's.  After about an hour of them being on site I got a call saying the ground was to hard for their hand auger.  Of course they have equipment that they can bring out - only an additional $600. 

They spent the day and marked 2 areas on the side of the creek that we wanted to build on.  Adam called me and said that 1 of the locations was a large area that would be able to accommodate 2 build sites and then the 2nd area would be for Rod and my house.  There needs to be 10,000 sq feet for a 3 bedroom and 13,000 sq feet for a 4 bedroom house.  Area #1 that was marked is about 35,000 sq feet.   Area # 2 is smaller but still larger than 13,000.  The areas were marked with red flags and we were told that if it is disturbed that it will invalidate the analysis.  The next step when we get ready for building permits will be to pay another $500 each to the state of Tennessee for the actual permit.

The soil scientist told me he would send his drawings to the surveyor. 

Rod and I did go look at the areas.  We are a little concerned that area 2 is on the hill behind where we want to build.  We are assuming this means our system will be a little more complex (complex probably = expensive).  Guess time will tell on this one.

We didn't take any pictures of the flags, but the day we went to look was the first time we had been over there when it had been raining.  So we got a few pictures of the creek with a little more water in it. 

Hurdle # 1 completed!

PSA - If you are a young person looking for a good career - There is a need for soil scientists in Tennessee and the fees are pretty good!