Monday, May 7, 2012

Always while I am out of town - Coaltrain

I'm out of town for work.  As ALWAYS this means something is going to happen at my house.  I could recount things that have went on through the years, but no sense in rehashing things I have said before :-)

I flew to Orlando last night for work.  First thing this morning is a text from Tori saying "go look at my facebook".  So I go look at her facebook, only to see a picture of Tina holding a baby goat that is bandaged up and Tori's caption that read:

Yep just another morning. I came upstairs and Tina hollers, " Would you put peroxide on this?" I expect to see her with some scratch, but when she turned around, I saw that she had a baby goat with a chunk of skin about the size of a baseball missing. So I did what any teenager would have done. I cleaned, medicated, and bandaged the laceration :)

They are not sure what happened.  Tina went over to feed everyone and found him that way.  I am so proud of my girls for knowing how to keep their cool and take care of what needed to be done! 

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