Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Union Bound again...

Well I just hugged Tori and sent her out the door headed back for her second semester at college.  We are fortunate that she comes home almost every weekend and this break from mid December until the end of January has been great.  But just like a drug addict, I will probably be in a little bit of withdraw with her heading back. The biggest thing I miss is knowing the simple day to day things about her life.  I am very proud that she has adjusted so well and loves school.  I didn't blog in August about when she headed off to school because I wasn't doing a very good job keeping up with it...  She was really sick, we didn't know what it was, and it was very upsetting.  It ended up just being mono and some minor complications with it.  She is all better now and no doubt sending off a well Tori is much better than a sick one!!!!

So here is to a great Second Semester!

Since I didn't post pictures back when I moved her in - here they are now :-)
Moving into her room.  She has her own bedroom!

The kitchen and bathroom.  She shares the bathroom with one other girl, and the kitchen will all her suite mates

The quads

Her suite mates.  They all get along great!

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