Saturday, January 30, 2016

I Fought the Bee and the Bee Won

Sunny, Warm, 60+ in January!  This is a perfect time for Rod to check on his bees.  Everyone knows the nosiest animal we have is non other than ROSE.  So Rose just had to check out all that Rod was doing.  An hour or so ago, she comes running up to the door wanting in.  I let her in and didn't think much about it.  Then 45 minutes later she is asking to go back out.  As I am walking up behind her, I think she has her tennis ball in her mouth.  I went to pull it out and realized there was not a ball.  That is how swollen her mouth is.  She must have been stung a couple of times right before she came running back to the house an hour ago.  Her snout is very swollen.  The picture doesn't do it justice.  4 benadryl down the hatch and I will be watching her over the next hour or so to make sure we don't need to make an emergency vet visit.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Snowmageddon 2016

Snowmageddon 2016 started earlier than the forecasters said.  They said that it would start mid day but we woke up to snow on the ground.  Luckily the night before, they closed schools in Jackson and Tori was able to make it back home before it all started!  According to the news, this was the largest snowfall in Nashville in 13 years.  Here at our house we only measured 6".  Still a big snow but other parts of the mid state seemed to get more.

The Jeep was the vehicle of choice for the driveway.  It did great.  Tina even got some practice driving in the snow over to pick Peter up to come sledding.

Sledding was the activity of the weekend!
Rod coming down the hill

Peter and Tina

Rose was having a blast.  Look at Matt slinging Peter down the hill

Matt kicking up some spray

Peter towing Tina

At the bottom of the hill.  Tina is hanging on tight

Tina off the sled... she didn't hang on tight enough

The pond
Matt towing Rod

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Riding at BlackFriar Farms

Any sunny weekend day will find Rod working on something.  Today was a sunny Sunday.  This meant that he was spending his day working outside.  Chainsaw in hand, he was walking the trails and the driveway cutting down trees that needed to be dropped or just cut up because they had fallen.  
So busy as he was, what does he do when his 16 year old daughter comes and says - "I'm going to go ride PB, do you want to come watch me?".  He quickly puts up his chainsaw, changes his shirt, puts on a clean hat, grabs the camera and jumps in the car with Tina.  


New Year

New Year, same frustrations.  Every year when the calendar turns to a new year, I look back and end up beating myself up over things I wanted to do and didn't make time to do them.  This year is no exception.... I have not made a blog post since March of last year!  We had so many eventful things happen that it is hard to believe I never made the time to document them.  All I have to show is a folder on my computer that says "organized pictures"... Organized is a relative term when I am describing my pictures.  Basically that just means that I created a folder with a vague description of the event and the year in which it happened in.  So once again... I am telling myself that this year I will do better.  I am also telling myself that I will go back and post the 2015 events.... (we will see if that happens or not).  So if you see odd posts from the previous year... that is because each month I am going to try to post for 2015 and 2016.   I hope everyone has a Happy New Year!