Friday, January 22, 2016

Snowmageddon 2016

Snowmageddon 2016 started earlier than the forecasters said.  They said that it would start mid day but we woke up to snow on the ground.  Luckily the night before, they closed schools in Jackson and Tori was able to make it back home before it all started!  According to the news, this was the largest snowfall in Nashville in 13 years.  Here at our house we only measured 6".  Still a big snow but other parts of the mid state seemed to get more.

The Jeep was the vehicle of choice for the driveway.  It did great.  Tina even got some practice driving in the snow over to pick Peter up to come sledding.

Sledding was the activity of the weekend!
Rod coming down the hill

Peter and Tina

Rose was having a blast.  Look at Matt slinging Peter down the hill

Matt kicking up some spray

Peter towing Tina

At the bottom of the hill.  Tina is hanging on tight

Tina off the sled... she didn't hang on tight enough

The pond
Matt towing Rod

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