Saturday, February 13, 2010

What's that smell?

4:30 a.m. and Sugar is barking. Rod is annoyed and gets up to tell her to be quiet. Then I hear a squeal and feel the camper shake. About this time Rod comes back to bed and thinks Sugar has just knocked over a propane tank on her foot or something. So then I have to get up to check to make sure Sugar is ok. I get the flashlight out and go outside on the deck and shine it on her. She has a funny look on her face and her snout is all crinkled up. She is making a horrible noise with her mouth as well. As I shine the flashlight down to see what Sugar has under her paw, Rod pipes up and says "I smell it" and we both say a skunk! The skunk didn't make it.

Fast forward 4 hours and I hear the kids up and about. Zac and Hayley had spent the night. Tori and Zac were up feeding the dogs and pigs. When I came out they were both complaining that the camper was FREEZING. So we just couldn't believe that they had run out of propane and thought maybe they had blown a fuse. Rod goes over to look at the problem and we realize that they have been without power since the scuffle of the dog and skunk. Apparently when Sugar had went in for the kill, she killed the power to the camper as well by pulling the plug.

After fixing the power, Rod then had the pleasurable job of taking the skunk into the woods on the end of a long stick. I guess our camper smells the worst because it happened right outside. I am the only one in the family that was willing to pet Sugar any today since I have no ability to smell. I am often asked if I can smell a skunk and I can surely say that I cannot since one sprayed only about 10 feet from me last night.

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