Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cheaper By the Dozen

On one of my trips out of town a couple of years ago, Rod went and bought chickens. We have had chickens ever since then. Tori has many sources of revenue - baby sitting, grooming dogs, baking her homemade dog biscuits, and hard labor around the land. As Tina is growing up, she felt the need to make some money of her own. So about 8 or 9 months ago, she invested in 30 chickens. Over the last 6 or 7 months, these chickens have had a rough time of being transplanted to the land. Sadie, Tina's dog, had a taste for these chickens and thinned the flock to 11 layers and 1 rooster. We have finally broke her from killing the chickens. The chickens are free range and Tina gathers and sells the eggs for $2.50 a dozen (a cheap price for free range, organic eggs). Lately with the warmer weather, she is getting about 4 - 5 dozen a week. As of tonight, she finally has an "official" waiting list for these yummy eggs. She is selling so many, I am going to have to buy some just so we can have some eggs at the house!

Here is a picture of her customized pink cartons.

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