Friday, June 24, 2011

Culvert Part 8 - More Gravel

I wish I knew the number of times that I have posted about gravel.  I'm glad that I don't know the amount of money that I have paid for gravel in the last 2 years.  I'm sure it would have bought a small car by now.  However, more gravel was purchased.

First Rod took the backhoe and pulled some logs around and lined the driveway.  Then three more loads (at @ $450 or so a load) of gravel was delivered.  Rod and I were home alone and we worked until late in the evening spreading the gravel.

Rod also got to find out how fast the backhoe will move.  I was on the 4 wheeler and driving around the gravel to get some chains out of my truck.  The 4wheeler has a tire that doesn't hold air very well and was low.  That tire slipped and the next thing I knew, I was under the 4 wheeler.  It rolled and I was pinned up against the fence with the 4 wheeler on top of me.  Luckily I was not hurt and my phone was in my pocked.  Rod had driven the backhoe back up to the top to pull another log down.  I called him on my phone and said "I am not seriously hurt, but I am pinned under the 4 wheeler".  He came flying down the driveway on the backhoe, jumped off of it before it was totally stopped and then started to head toward me.  Then the backhoe started to roll some more toward the pond and he had to jump back on it and drop the bucket so it would not roll.  Rod was able to lift the 4 wheeler for me to get out from under it and between the two of us we were able to get it righted.

Now fast forward an hour and I am on the little tractor using the box blade.  I get too close to the side where there is about 12 - 14" of fresh loose gravel and the tractor back tire slides.  At this point I am a little scared and I tell Rod I am nervous.  He takes and tells me I can just drive it out of the spot.  I tell him, I have already been under the 4 wheeler and I was not about to tip the tractor over.  So he gets on there to "show me how it is done".  At the point where the left two wheels are coming off the ground, I tell him to stop.  So he was going to take the backhoe to pull it out.  Only the backhoe fuel filter was clogged and it wouldn't start.  So now we get the suburban down there and pull the tractor out.  Rod decides that he is going to get one more scoop of gravel with the little tractor - and blows a hydraulic line!!! At this point I say "We need to stop and go up to the house!"... our luck have obviously run OUT.

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