Monday, June 6, 2011

Islands of Adventure

Day 2 took me to the office and Rod, Tori and Tina to Islands of Adventure.

Because I was headed to work before the park opened, they were going to have to take the shuttle from the hotel. They went down to eat breakfast. Tori looks up and says "that looks like a van out there". So Rod heads over to the desk to ask when the shuttle left... only to be told "you probably just missed it". So all three of them go outside, look around and see it at another hotel and they take off running. They get there just in time to get on the shuttle!

They enjoyed their day and when I got off from work I joined them at the park. After I got there we only have time for about 3 or 4 rides before the park closed down for the evening, but we still had a good time.

Tina really liked the twister ride - or at least all the cool pictures and sets that you walk through. The cow was her favorite part. We were going to buy a stuffed cow with the goggles on when we went back on Thursday... but that ended up not happening.

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