Sunday, June 5, 2011

Universal Studios Here We Come

All the trips to Orlando that we have been on, we have never went to Universal Studios, we have always done Disney. I finally need to go back to Orlando for work during a time where the family can go. It has been a while since they have went with me. This time we decided that we were not going to Disney, but instead we were headed to Universal Studios.
Like all of these types of trips, we fly down early on Sunday so that I can spend the day at the park with them and the rest of the week I go to work and they go play :-)

So Sunday we arrived before noon and headed straight to the park. We are all Harry Potter fans and enjoyed the Harry Potter exhibit. The Dueling Dragons was a great roller coaster!

Brandy and Rod
Which way to Hogswart?!
The castles that were built were impressive.

Tori, Tina, and Rod standing in front of the Harry Potter ride.

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