Tuesday, May 17, 2016

ER Visit

The problem with going to the ER is that the other person has the bragging rights of "at least I wasn't the last in the ER".... Rod has held the ER visit award for a while until the night of May 10th.  We had been at Tori's house working.  It was getting late (around 9pm) and a storm was coming.  After getting home, we were hurrying to get all the animals fed and looking for one of the ducks.  Rod had fed the pigs and I was walking back over to to help him.  When I got there, Henry was taking off for Dolly's food.  I went to run after him to tell him to stop and tripped.  I went down hard on one of the river rocks that we use as stepping stones.  My first thought was I had hit and scraped my face.  It was swelling immediately and was hurting.  After Rod helped me get to my feet and into the house, we realized there was blood on my pants.  That is when we looked and realized that an ER visit is in order.. Anytime you can see the bone...yep, you need the ER.

We loaded up and headed to Skyline.  During the X-ray I told the technician that even if it was broken - just lie to me... the wedding is in 2 weeks and I did not have time for this crap.  Luckily it wasn't broken and I just needed 8 stitches.

For those that know Rod's story during Tina delivery - (yes this is the story where he faints)... he managed to watch them wash the wound and stitch it!  Around 2:30 am, I was stitched up and headed home.

The days following the fall were somewhat hard.  I started running a fever within about 18 hours.  My knee was very hot to the touch (about 10 degrees hotter than my right knee) and was very tender.  We went back to the doctor and he worried about an infection in the bone.  He was threatening to do a debridement if my fever didn't get under control.  After changing to a stronger antibiotic and two more days, my fever broke and I was on the mend!

WARNING - Below are the pictures of the wound.  If you don't want to see, scroll real fast now!

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