Saturday, May 28, 2016

Mr. and Mrs. King

The hectic morning is over.  All the food is cooked and in the warmers, the donuts are arranged in a cake fashion, the balloons have been picked up, many emergencies have been taken care of (like the wrong shirt being ordered for a groomsman - Thanks Seth Hill for literally the shirt off your back!).  It is finally time to put my daughter in her wedding dress and watch her walk down the isle.  I had already cried my tears several days leading up to the wedding, so I was holding it all together pretty well.

Rod gave Tori a diamond necklace as a wedding present

Tina getting her hair done

Rod and his girls
It was time to head upstairs.  The church was getting pack.  Tori was ready and it was almost time.  The ceremony was as beautiful as I could have wished for.  The singing by Tori's college roommate, Abi and her longtime friend Lydia was amazing.  It was sweet, precious, touching, heartfelt, and every other adjective that you would want to associate with a wedding.
Rod giving her away

The God's Knot

You may kiss your bride!
At this moment, my family grew by 1 son.  I am so proud to have Matt officially as part of our family!

The reception was packed and we ran out of food... to say that is hard on me is an understatement.  I love to feed people and so does my Mom.  So not cooking enough was horrible.  We had cooked 2 country hams, 300 biscuits, 8 sausage rolls, 3 loaves of sweet bread, 100 cinnamon rolls, 100 muffins, 12 quarts of yogurt, 4 different kinds of granola, 3 watermellons, 3 pineapples, a full flat of strawberries, and 200 french toast sticks! But from what I hear, everyone loved the food.  I had to rush Tori and Matt out from their pictures so that they could cut the cake and expose the donuts for everyone to eat!

I don't have the pictures from the photographer yet, so I am limited on what I have.  As the mother of the bride I didn't take any pictures myself.  I couldn't end this blog without once again thinking all the people that helped: My Mom and Dad, Laine, Aunt Sandra, My Granny, Bobbie, Scott, Pam, Michaela, Paige, Tina, Peter and a HUGE thank you to the people at Good Springs Free Will Baptist church.  They let us come in for a week and take over.  The youth group were amazing at running the reception.  I am so indebted to them for the way they have embraced Tori over the years.

One last comment - the photographer gave Tori a wedding highlight video.  She is honing her skill on these and it was free of charge.  I think it is great. Here is the youtube link to the 3 minute video
Mr. & Mrs. Wedding Highlight video

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