Friday, May 6, 2016

Union Awards

Friday morning had us getting up early and heading to Union. Tori had been notified that she was getting an awards on Senior awards day.  We didn't know what the award was until we got there.  Very proud of her for bringing home the academic medal (that she gets to wear at graduation ) for the highest grade point average in her major.  She is graduating college in 3 years with a 4.0 GPA.  She has worked hard and is very deserving of her award.

While at Union, they were handing out the printed edition of their magazine.  We knew that there was an article about Tori and her Spanish ministry in the magazine.  I was very proud to read about her servants heart in serving this under served Spanish prisons. If you have 2 minutes, click on the link.  It is a quick read.

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