Sunday, May 1, 2016

Happy Big 90 Granny!

90 years - The Great Depression, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Birth of the computers, Pearl Harbor, First man in Space, and many, many, many, many other things.... Granny has been around for an amazing amount of events.  She is one of the most creative and talented people that I have ever known.  At 90 years old, she is still sewing every day.  In the past year for my family alone, she has pieced together 2 quilts from some squares that were Mrs. Maynards, repaired my quilt that she made 20 years ago, sewed many items for the wedding, and an AMAZING table cloth for Tori's wedding gift.  This doesn't count the items she has made for others in the family and the sewing that she did for charity.  All I can say is I hope at 90 I can get around like she does and that my mind is as sharp as hers!  I love you Granny!  Happy Birthday!!!

Granny gave up having her birthday party on her actual birthday so that Tori could have her bridal shower.  So we had her party on Sunday.  She had two surprises for her birthday.  The first was that all my cousins from Dallas flew to town and she didn't know they were coming.  This is the first time in many years that we were all together.  We used this time to do a picture that I have been wanting to do for a few years.  The picture starts with Granny in the center, then a picture of her children (Mom, Aunt Sandra, and Aunt Carol), then a pictures with my cousins generation.  I still hope one day to be able to take the next row with the great-grandchildren of Granny's but we will see if I can ever get us all in 1 state.

The second surprise was a joke.  Mom, Aunt Sandra, and Granny had went to a cancer benefit at Granny's physicians church a few months ago.  There was a man there that was being auctioned off for a date.  Aunt Sandra was determined to buy the date for Granny and she won the auction.  Well Granny didn't know it...but she had a date for her birthday!

BTW - this was the day after the bachelor party... we might have had a few that were feeling rough for the party :)

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