Saturday, May 21, 2016

Union Graduation

August 2013 - Just barely less than 3 years ago - this was a stressful time.  We were dropping Tori off at college for the first time and she was sick.  We didn't know what was wrong and it took several trips to Jackson to go to a few doctors.  The diagnosis was mono.  She never missed a SINGLE Class.  This was to foreshadow her college career.  No matter what the obstacle, she faced it head on and full steam ahead.

Three years later, we are the proud parents of a double major - graduating summa cum laude with a 4.0 GPA.  The academic medal (highest GPA) in Teaching and Leaning and a 2nd major in Interdisciplinary Studies. All of this accomplished in 3 short years.

We are grateful for her time at Union University where she felt embraced by her professors, met great friends, enjoyed the christian atmosphere, and is prepared to teach the next generation.

Tori is now licensed to teach K-8 in any core subject. Her current aspirations are to teach in a school that is both high needs and serves a low socioeconomic population.  She wants to work in a school where these kids need a strong, loving, and passionate role model. Yeah, I can't say it enough...I'm proud.

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