Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Where to start? How about at the beginning?

Our culvert that runs between the pond on one side of the driveway and the creek on the other is old. It is rusting. It has holes... So it is in need of being replaced. And this would be the beginning of a very long story. If you don't have time to read it all... just look at the pictures - they are worth a 1000 words.

So Friday April 22nd. Rod comes home from work and starts digging the sides out. At this point he is leaving enough room for us to be able to still drive across the driveway but this is to get a jump start on what he will need to accomplish for the weekend.

Saturday April 23rd. What a day. Rod heads down the driveway to start a day long of pulling out the old culvert and setting the current one. We park 2 cars (Rod's car and Tori's truck) on the street size. We keep my suburban on the house side. This way we have transportation to haul tools, etc. down to Rod while he is working and can still go places if we need to.

The first task was the simplest of the day. We are going back with 50 feet of culvert in 2 25' sections. We have 2 20' pipes and 1 10' pipe that we are cutting in 1/2 and attaching. So Rod took the chain saw down there and made quick work cutting the pipe in 1/2.

Now the digging started. The culverts were 5 or more feet deep.

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