Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Looking like a fool - but no one has a camera!

I am very good at telling stories about Rod, Tori, and Tina. Normally if the story involves me, it is something that I am mad about - (normally Rod, one of the animals or during the building process - the builder).

Since there is NOT a picture to go along with this story, I will go ahead and tell on myself this morning.

Some background information: First the chickens are out. We let them out during the day and normally shut them up at night to make sure nothing gets them. Last night we forgot. Tina's baby chicks have grown and they are out as well. There is something about the younger chicks that get the dogs in a tizzy sometimes.

Second: I am working from home today (See Mother's Day post below as to why). Normally when I work from home, the house is empty by 6:45. I will wait to get a shower, get ready until my lunch time.

Now to the story. It is about 7:00 and I am sitting in the living room with my laptop and I have already started work for the day. I am however, still in my PJ's. (which means just a t-shirt and panties) I am working away and I realize that I am hearing some kind of commotion outside. I get up and look out the window to see Abby, Sugar, and Sadie chasing chickens. I run outside, put on my work boots and run over there yelling at them. I am sure I looked like a crazy fool. The dogs know they are not supposed to do this to the chickens and they scatter, the pig comes over and seems to say "are you going to feed up", and the chickens are saying "thank you", and I am saying "GET ON THAT PORCH RIGHT NOW" to the dogs. I am still mad as heck and yelling at them. Once I get back to the porch I realize how stupid I must look. I am standing there in a t-shirt, showing my panties, and muddy work boots. I am SO, SO, SO glad Mark (the guy working on the culvert) didn't show up this morning unexpectedly!!!!!!

So there is my story of me doing something stupid and looking like a fool. There are many more, but since I have creative liberty on the blog and Rod rarely posts.. most of the stories feature him rather than me :-)

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