Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Waiting on the mud to dry up

Mud. I am not sure how many times I have blogged about mud. Mud in the house, Mud on boots, Mud on the clothes, Mud in the campers, Mud everywhere (we even battle it getting into the bed - our sheets get washed constantly!) So now we are at the point of waiting for the mud to dry up. We can't do much more until the ground dries up some. Last night Rod and Mark worked to "waste" the rip wrap and 2" gravel that was delivered. The mud was so thick, soupy, and slick that they had to put that down on the driveway so that it was usable until the ground can dry. It was originally bought to put on the sides of the hill to help with erosion. Once it dries out, we will be putting more dirt onto and that is why it is "wasting" the rock. We will be covering it up. We will have to buy more to replace it and I am sure I will blog about it and complain again about the price of gravel.

Here is a picture of Rod and Mark working to spread the rock.

So what does that mean for Wednesday night? There is actually not any work that can happen down there at the culvert. So does Rod take a break? Of course NOT! He spent hours tonight moving logs up to the burn pile. By the looks at the size of this pile, I see a huge bonfire this weekend!

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