Thursday, May 5, 2011

Early Morning Run

Since around here has just been so much fun (can you hear the dripping sarcasim?), the horses decided they needed to blow off steam and take an early morning run. There is nothing like waking up to a phone call of "Your horses are running down the road". So I call Tina to jump in the suburban, and yell for Tori to jump in her truck and go get halters and lead ropes. Tina and I head down the street to look and see which way they went. Luckily we were able to spot them quickly. They had run all the way down Bills Lane, Across New Hope, and through a field to the next road over. We drove over there and they were in this man's yard. He started to let his yappy dog out and I said "please sir, my horses are behind your garage". He was nice about it and kept his dog in while we tried to catch them. They didn't want to come, guess their run was not over, but Tina has the smart thinking before we left. She ran back into the house and got a cup with some peanuts in it. She started shaking the cup and holding it out to them and they stopped and waited for us. Now we are in a "hurry up Tori" mode. *** Remember we are still walking to the barn, so to get the lead ropes and halters took over 5 minutes ***

Tori shows up and we are able to get the horses and then begins the walk back to the house. We are on a curvy, hilly, road (New Hope) and I am following behind them to make sure that no one comes over a hill hits them. We get them back to the barn. Now I switch rolls and go from horse catcher to fence repairman and Tina helped.:)

With all of the work going on down at the culvert, the fence is down. The only thing keeping the horses in is the single sting of electric fence and it has not even been in a position to be able to be turned on. Tina and I worked for about 20 minutes to get it stretched to where it was not touching and we were able to turn it on.

Now, I have been a horse wrangler, fence repairman, Laundry mat (1st thing this morning I had to put Tori's jeans in the dryer), Mom (writing a note for school), School Bus (Tori didn't have time to take Tina to school without being late), and Garbage man (the dump is on the way home from Tina's school). Now I think for the rest of the day I will take it easy and just be a computer programmer!

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